Below are basic preventative steps

Maintain a healthy diet

A lot of times ladies have visited search engines to find out how they can manage weight gain. Most of them have failed, not because the experts they followed were wrong but because they lacked the discipline to follow the guides. When you discover that you are getting uncomfortable with your weight or when you simply are having an unhealthy weight, it can only be discipline that can help you out of it. You will have to limit a lot of things. Controlling even the time when you should eat and so on. I bet, you don’t wanna get there! So control the diets.

Engage in activities that promote good physical health.

It is just not sufficient to watch your diets; at some points you are needed to burn down some excess calories in your body. Create time for walks and if possible get actively with a sport activity you like. The sweat that comes out also reduce the waste, salt and sugar in the system.

Observe proper hygiene and sanitation and sexual health

Dirty hands for example can cause you untold pain with stomach disorders. So it is important to maintain a clean body both internally and externally. Your environment is also important because dirty neighborhoods harbor mosquitoes that bite indiscriminately. As for sexual health, be very smart in whatever orientation you take. But on a personal note, I will caution you about oral and anal sex.

Allow your body and mind of get adequate rest (get enough sleep)

It is only because I don’t wanna be considered sexist that I will let this point go low. But truth is that a lot men stress themselves up and barely have time to rest well. Imagine getting home at 11:30 pm and starting work at 3:00 am. This is a hardworking person but he is not allowing his body to rest well. This could affect him negatively in the future.

Limit drugs, tobacco, alcohol use or even stay away completely if you can

Not long from now we had cases of students misbehaving in school milieus because of substance addiction and we need not belabor the point. Drugs are dangerous because when you make yourself used to drugs, you will only have to live by them. They weaken you. Alcohol has its own 'negativities'.

Educate yourself on health issues – through reading notes like these.

Thank goodness we are living today in a free information era. With pieces of useful notes such as these. Although users are still somehow limited, we are hopeful that those who are able to exploit this information can help share and educate their other friends and community members on the importance of staying healthy.

Engage with your community and work to build a healthy living environment.

It would be terrible to live in a community and exist like an island. You need to get involved in activities that make better your community life. It could be clearing gutters and bushes around. It could be cleaning around the trash cans, public toilets. Get involved, that way you will be able to know how much use you could be to the community.

Health is better than wealth, if you are healthy you can earn any amount of wealth but wealth cannot fetch you good health.


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